Thursday, April 9, 2009

Umm, Let's Passover this Seder

I'm aware that this should have been written last evening, but I was realllly tired when I got home from my folks home.

Mind you, it was just my folks, Mort & Selma, and my brother, Artie (He prefers, Arthur, but it ain't gonna happen from me.) and of course, Rusty.

I wanted to make this a nice Seder with my family, so I went all over getting the favorites for everyone. I went to Charlie's Deli on Pico for the fish, the Farmer's Market in Westchester for the Yukon Gold potatoes, the Kalamata Olives, and Roma Tomatoes & Mozzarella, Torrance Farmer's Market for the Salsa, and Trader Joe's for the best dairy. You get the drift.

I came home and roasted the garlic and made the potatoes just the way Artie, Daddy & my mom like them.
Oh ya, and I got Rusty's food ready as well to take over to the Folk's house.

Ya know, they seemed to be in a good mood. I guess that was to be short lived. Families!

My mom decided that we needed to have the table opened up and to put the "leaf" in. Normally this is something we do when there are more people at the table. But seeing as how Aunt Juliette wasn't feeling up to going out and Doug, my friend who seems to always cancel, cancelled, I didn't see the point in opening the table. The Mother thought otherwise and I opened the table. (At this point you should know that my daddy's hearing aid was broken and that the prospect of speaking louder than we already do for him was in the bag.)
My mom wasn't very happy about the brisket she was making and decided that we would all hate it. "It's horrible." (No it wasn't but you try telling her). "We're going to have Green Beans. You like Green Beans." Okay fine, whatever.
"You made the potatoes!' Ya, I had to roast the garlic and it just seemed easier to do at home and bring it over that way. and so on and so on.

Rusty on the other hand, was in a very good place! All sorts of smells coming from the Magic Room. He parked himself in the Magic Room and waited for the Magic Door to open and wonderful things to happen. Rusty had a bit of a sore foot going on last night and my mom and I treated it and put a sock over it so that he couldn't hurt is further.
No sore foot is going to dissuade our hero from finding all sorts of goodies in the Magic Room! Ever the dedicated sleuth, Rusty had his nose to the ground, in the air, up on the couch, at your kneecap and up get he drift... looking for morsels to be given his way. (My favorite is when he lays his head on your person. Precious!)

Everyone did their part in controlling what The Boobah was going to receive.
Daddy - Can I give this to Rusty? Annie, The Dog wants food!
(Really Dad, you think? Wow, I didn't see that coming...I'm shocked!)
Mom - He wants this!

(And that means what? He's going to get it?)
Artie - No Forget It! here you go..No Forget It!
Me - what have you already had? I know you're hiding something....but I love you no matter what you do! Oh, Please You Guys, he's gonna get sick!
FYI, he did survive and is naturally on a diet now.

We went for a walk when we got home and then I went straight to bed. I had to be up before 5 AM and wanted to get some sleep.

I don't like fighting or arguing with my family, but it does happen to the best of us, I guess. We're family and will always push each other's buttons. Sometimes it's a bit worse than other times and last night was kinda like that for me.

Today's a new day and life goes on.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It was the Gardner...Really!

Yesterday morning I did have a problem with my computer. It seemed to be stuck. I had to get to the Farmer's Market, so I left. My plan was to return home and work on the blog and publish both posts I'd created.
Unfortunately, the building's Gardner had other plans for our water, and sanity.
When I got home, I first had to feed Rusty. As you will get to know, feeding, The Boobah, (our favorite nick-name) is not something anyone takes lightly. It was after 5:3o pm, and Rusty was pretty hungry. I'd dragged him all over town yesterday afternoon, making deliveries and what-not.
Sooooooo, there I was starting to wash his dish, when I noticed that the water was acting funny. The first thing I checked was the bathroom and sure enough, there was no water. No worries for The Boobah, I could feed him anyway.
Oh, did I mention that I also don't know anything about microwaves? Ya, there's that too.
Before we get into the feeding of The Boobah, I need to mention that the night before, I decided to make Microwave Popcorn. I figured that since I bought the popcorn at, Trader Joe's, that it would be healthier than the stuff at 7-11. Now, I'm not the best at following instructions, but it did clearly say, Put in Microwave on High for 4 minutes.
Um, evidently, 4 minutes is a really long time in Microwave Speak.
When I noticed that the smoke was everywhere, I opened all the windows, and tried to air out the apartment....whatever!
Rusty was not at all happy with the stench, not to mention there was literally, Nothing in this adventure for him!
I through out the black blob of burnt corn and promptly put another bag in the machine. This time I pushed the Popcorn Button and was happy that I was not becoming to Microwave Popcorn, what the Octomom has become to Birth Control.

Back to last night.
It seems that there was quite a mess in the microwave that needed to be cleaned. So I got some soapy water and a sponge and had at it.
I then went to put Rusty's food in the microwave to heat and a really bad "thing" happened to the machine. It made a horrible sound, and lit up very bright, (this can't be good) ..I just turned it off and pulled the plug.
No worries, I just heated the food (it was still a bit frozen) in a skillet and went about feeding my bewildered dog.
When I went to rinse everything, I noticed that the water was starting to stop flowing to a complete halt. I check around, like I mentioned before and then called my landlady, Dixie. Dixie informed me that our Gardner, Jose, had shut off the water whilst he went to Home Depot.
Um, this is where is gets bizarre....The Gardner, Jose, was on the phone in his car with Dixie, when a cop pulled him over. He got a ticket for holding and speaking on the phone and there were some other issues?
Long story short....he didn't return for a very long time and the front of the building was basically, ripped up.

When I got home, my computer had frozen again (checking all cords is a good thing to do before giving up on the computer. I'll do that from now on.)

Today all is well. I've finished these two blogs and am going to get ready for Seder Dinner tonight with my family. I'm taking the Flip Camera with me and Rusty & I are going to film / blog our small family dinner.

Till then...hopefully this evening, Have a Good One!

Annie & Rusty

Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm having a Ruff Start!

Well, hello there...

It seems that Rusty and I are going to be having a blog for the next week or so. I'm excited about this and (though he doesn't know it yet) so is Rusty. We're going to talk about different doggie subjects, relating to our days and adventures, as well as discuss what's going on in the World today.

If you're wondering why we're going to be doing this...Well, I've always thought that the written word is important. Rusty can't write, but he can feel and keep me on a somewhat clear path.

In the next few days, I'll be adding photos from our daily outings and from home too. (Guess that means I'll be cleaning a lot before the camera gets here!)

Now those of you who know me, know that I'm not the best with directions...driving or otherwise. I'm reading the directions for this blog as I'm writing.....(proof that I can't follow even these directions. Could you imagine if I had to drive somewhere and then Blog??? HA!)

Tonight's Blog, is not going to be very long, because I want to study the Blog World--so-to-say, on this website and hopefully figure out that I'm doing the right thing here.

(By the way, I've asked Rusty for help, and he's to busy thinking that his foot is a delicacy...blech!)

I've named the blog, "It's a Ruff Ruff World" in an effort to always be relating to Rusty.

It occurs to me, that some of you may not know who Rusty is and why I keep referring to him. I've just uploaded one of the many pictures I have of my little man. I think he's adorable and has a face or Punim that let's him get away with everything!
Rusty is a special, not just because he's my boy, but because he has daily challenges that few people face. You see, Rusty lost both of his eyes to glaucoma in 2004 & 2006. Let me tell you something, this is not a sad story or life. Rusty is the happiest little guy I know. (um, maybe because I started a business for him, and cook for him and keep him in the manner to which I Have Become Accustomed Too???? (more on all that later).
For tonight, I'm just going to say that Rusty gave me back my life while I was trying to make his a little easier. We'll talk more about this and other things in the days to come.
Hey, I know that my "homework" for the next week or so, is going to be relaying stories and events about my and Rusty's lives. Tonight, I think I'm going to ask all of you to do some homework too...
Your assignment...If you have a pooch or a kitty, rabbit, turtle, hamster, or fish, go give 'em some love! Give a belly rub or a chin scratch or some music for the fish (does that sound weird? It shouldn' and all living creatures need love too!) After all, our "non-human" companions are always telling us that they love us everyday.
Till the next time, Bloggers!
Annie & Rusty quote the master..."Good-night & Good-luck"
Bye for now.